Thursday, July 23, 2015


I wrote a letter to @POTUS @BarackObama, requesting his visit to Ruiru as he delivers my selfie sticks (10 of them for #TeamEnterprise purpose). Last night, i received this restricted number call(note, not Unknown) from White House (Those in Ruiru, i don't mean pale White house where those marutis turn at, au white house the area), Washington Ndizi. Yes. I was informed that my wish will be granted if I make it possible for the leader of the free world to spend his afternoon at courtesy beach and not post our selfie (We both are selfieholics) pics while he's there. I agreed, and now, am looking forward to host the son of Kogelo in Ruiru.

When one of my friends-Vinny Muiru learnt of my special meeting, he suggested some modified Maruti motror chopper which could be used to hover around Wataalam area as I take him on a tour of my home area. But nevertheless, POTUS will have to show interest first before we partake such a tour, considering all the logistics involved. I was instructed to sway away from the Mututho enemy(Ndugugio) designated areas, for POTUS is a teetotaler. So, my earlier request to have Jack Daniels, my favourite American Whiskey was untimely turned down. This is not the tym to refuse a Kiambu man such a necessity, noting that the 3rd generation drinks are nowhere to be found(You Should know my President Uhuru, son of Jomo the lion) Moving on, am glad POTUS granted my wish, and now haters will say that am lying or even hallucinating. Wait till Monday, you'll see my photos with the leader of the Most powerful Country in the world. As i was being instructed on how to behave around The son Of Kogelo, this was the parting shot from whoever was on the other end of the phone, "Just be ready to be swallowed in the Security Bubble". I asked my Kenyan security officers what that could have meant, but am still looking for an answer. I need the phone number of 'Mganga kutoka TZ' or better still, our Finest 'Mutheu', the witch doctor from the land of kamba who's famed for resolving money problems & making cock crow in sinners stomachs. I want them to tell me what that bubble is. Can it be pricked? Well, make haste, time is ticking. 27 hours till the son of the soil comes....

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