Thursday, December 18, 2014


                                                    (Dad and my Brother Karanja, 1983)
Dear Dad...

On this day, 16years ago, around 10pm,  you laid on your deathbed. You didn't know you were spending your last hours on earth. You were with Mum, and she kept giving you hope. If i knew you wouldn't come back home, I'd have spent every minute with you on that day...
Daddy, You are my hero, my protector, my teacher. You are my father and I love you dearly. I miss you here on Earth, but, I know that one day we will be together again on a new journey. You helped me through this life, from the time I was born till the day you left and died to this world. This is a message from me to you, Father. So many years ago you left us, Dad. That was a sad day for me and my siblings. Years, yet it seems like just a short while ago I sat with you and we talked of our days and how each one of us grew up.

Since you left us, Dad, a third generation of yours is beginning life and growing fast! This generation you have not seen in this world, but, I know that your spirit knows them.
They are fine people and would make you proud. There's a total of 10 of the 3rd generation of your lineage.. Even though you have not physically seen them and hugged them, you have left them a legacy and stories to pass on.
Your pictures that we treasure, memories of you, folk songs you sang to us, the wonderful toys you bought for us, how you made Christmas and the holidays so special,  all these memories are passed down to the little ones. This legacy continues on with this new generation.
The older I get, Dad, the more I realize just how much you gave me. You gave me the realization that my spiritual growth is of the utmost importance. You taught me that to grow spiritually I must listen to the voice of my soul: to sometimes enter into the silence to do so.
You taught me to respect Nature and Mother Earth. You taught us how to read the stars and how to watch for signs in the skies and in Nature.
I remember when I was about eight, standing outside with you and my siblings after dark. I was afraid of the dark, but felt safe knowing you were near. I can still see, when I stand outside in the dark, that night you pointed up to the heavens to show us the star that was near the full moon and told us all about it. You made us appreciate such beauty like that. You taught me how to be proud of myself, but, also how to be humble. You taught me to reach out to others when they are in need and to offer my hand in support.You imparted in me the importance of giving without expectations.I learned from you how to pay attention to my creative side as well as my logic. I learned to play a mini piano you had bought me after I excelled in school. Too bad you didn't hear me play the Christmas note, "Joy to the world".... From you I learned that all people are the same in God's eyes and that love is the greatest of all things.
You taught us how to pray; that the Holy Spirit guide and protect us. You gave us courage to try new things. You gave us the knowledge that to fail only means another door to a better opportunity has opened. I am much older now and it has been so long since you left us,  yet you are still teaching me in ways that come through memories and sometimes dreams.

Thank you, Dad, for being the loving father you were, to me & my siblings.... I love you with all my heart and soul..


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