Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dear Kenyan, It's Time To Think Hard Before Taking It To The Streets!

Dear STUPID Kenyan,

Look at these pictures below and think about this: You blindly go out to the streets, join politicians in demonstrating against constitutional offices, but it's only you who ends up lying on a hospital bed, whipped, thrashed and badly injured. Why? Because you allowed to be used. You left your home hungry, while the men standing beside you at your hospital bed had bacon, sausages, eggs, bread with butter and tea, served by their wives for breakfast. They drove to the demo area, while you boarded a matatu, bargained to be charged 20bob from 30bob. On reaching the demonstrations area, you found them there, waiting for you. They were in the forefront, 'leading' you. They spewt hate venom in form of anti government speeches, made you believe that it's time for change, angered your hungry self, and made sure you were ready for destruction. When teargas canisters started flying, they were hurriedly taken back to their Four wheel drive armoured cars by their security details and sped off, leaving your silly hungry ass there to 'eat' teargas. You foolishly started engaging the police in running battles as you mugged hardworking Kenyans who were busy in their duties, robbed shops and vandalised property as you shouted your lord of poverty name, a sign of Loyalty. Just as you approached the last corner, you find yourself surrounded by mean looking anti-riot police officers, who find you mugging and looting, but because 'kifo cha nyani kifikapo miti yote huteleza', you find yourself at the mercies of whip & rungu carrying officers. That's your destiny. You get clobbered properly by the police who are now doing it with zeal & passion, and zap, you see darkness.

The next thing you see when you open your eyes are the politicians who made you get whipped, surrounding you at a hospital bed, with cameras flashing amongst a battery of journalists, who are already asking them questions, right beside you. Fractured ribs, broken legs, missing teeth. Then they say that this is an inhumane way by the government of handling 'peaceful demonstrations'!! And they pat you on your swollen shoulder, saying you are a revolution hero. Well, you feel recognised by your idol and smile, accepting the  'ugua pole' from the politicians. 2 minutes later, you are all alone, the politicians have made their point and seen as sympathising with you, then all of a sudden, you are left alone, with incurring hospital bills. 3 months later, you bombard our Facebook/Twitter/WhatsApp walls/inboxes with messages that you need help with your medical bill. The politicians PA receives calls from you, ask you who you are. When you try explaining yourself to them, they ask you to go & sue the government, and they can't help you. At that moment, they hung up. Your sorry ass feels used by the politicians. You realize you have never even bothered to read what the constitution says about your rights as a Kenyan. Because you listened to your lord idol, and believed what he told you because "he read the constitution" for you. Where will you get the money from? Why did you leave the comfort of your home to get whooped?



anonymous said...

we should be ashamed of ourselves. Let us open our eyes and think twice before we leap.

The Kenyan Youth said...

Very true. Gullible Kenyans suffer because of naivety and accepting to be fooled by the politicians

The Kenyan Youth said...

Very true. Gullible Kenyans suffer because of naivety and accepting to be fooled by the politicians

Anonymous said...

I wish everyone demostrating in the name of their gods in the streets should pay more attention your points. Very wise advice. Lets all build our beloved Nation.