Thursday, July 7, 2011

MP'S Should Pay Tax!

Kenya National Assembly Speaker Hon. Kenneth Marende is the last person i thought would call a conference and state that the recently passed constitution should be amended on certain articles to exempt them from paying taxes! Quite a number of MP's who campaigned for the new constitution are Lawyers by profession and they knew what was coming, why didn't they refuse it then, only to come up when the taxman is calling at the 11th hour to speak ill of it by proposing some laws change? Millions of Kenyans are middle and low income wagers who patriotically pay taxes and do so as it is their duty. Since August 2010, they did know that the new constitution states that nobody is exempted from paying tax including the Members of Parliament. Why go around chest thumping that they won't pay tax and even come up with the thought of changing the laws? Mark you, Kenyan MPs' are the highest paid lawmakers in Africa. My opinion is that our MPs' are a strange species from this planet. Whats wrong in giving Caesar what is rightfully his? I support the Taxman in doing his job, no matter the cost, taxes should be paid. If an Auction is the last option, i second that! Watch out Hon. Members of Parliament, 2012 is near!!!

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