Thursday, January 26, 2012

Let The ICC rulings not divide us, fellow Kenyans.....

On Monday the ICC judges ruled on majority that 4 of the Six P.E.V suspects have been confirmed to face a trial at the ICC court on a different chamber. Led by Judge Ekaterina-Trendafilova, the court announced that due to lack of and unsustainable evidence, Hon. Henry Kosgey and Maj(Rtd) Post-Master General Hussein Ali were acquitted.

Journalist Joshua Sang'

,Hon Uhuru Kenyatta, Hon William Ruto and Ambassador Francis Muthaura had their Cases confirmed and are set to face a trial.This has brought a lot of mixed reactions from the regions where the confirmed suspect hail from. In Gatundu, youths were spotted showing support for their leader,who is also their M.P Hon Uhuru Kenyatta, and Eldoret youths support Ruto.Following that, the president was asked to honor the Coalition accord by firing Hon. Kenyatta and Mr. Muthaura, but the President asked the Chief Justice to form a team of Eminent Legal experts to advice the government forward on this delicate issue. With the wrangles in this Coalition Govt, the Prime Ministers' side seems not to agree with what the President did,citing not being consulted over the issue and insisting that both the Suspects, who are still holding their govt jobs, to resign or get fired. With these arguments going on, Kenya and the people are at stake. The two principals should not argue before the public and their advisors should watch their mouths and action so as not to bring political and social tensions all over the country. It would be really sad if we did not learn from 2007-08 violence. May god help us all not to go back to where no one would want to!!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why Always the Highs of our society Behave Badly in Public?

Our Deputy chief Justice behaved primitively last week by allowing her ego take pride! By pinching a village market security guards'nose, just because of being politely asked to wait or go through the security check like everyone else, shows how some people can be inhuman or disrespect institutions rules and requirements!! I still cannot understand how someone of her profile could do what colonialists did to our fathers ages ago in this 21st century! YES, we should not only critisize her, but also condemn her behaviour with the strongest and loudest voice we can to let everyone know that our new constitution holds everyone equal law wise and no one-including our President-is above law! So, who the heck is Baraza in comparison to our Beloved Prezzo not to follow our law?? She should be dismissed and someone human to take up her job, i say!! Nktttttt!!